Project - CEF AT Tools and Services: Implementation of the "service desk" part of the CEF Automated Translation platform and a programme support action (LOT 2)

CEF AT Tools and Services: Implementation of the "service desk" part of the CEF Automated Translation platform and a programme support action (LOT 2)

Start date: 18-12-2017
End date: 17-04-2021
Funded by: CEF SMART 2016/0103
Project leader: Stelios Piperidis
CEF-AT Tools and Services deals with the eTranslation Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme and focuses on the position and role of eTranslation in the CEF DSI ecosystem, on future technology components that will enhance eTranslation’s performance and uptake, as well as on technological measures and mechanisms that will support and expand eTranslation’s user base. To achieve its goals the project a) engages with the relevant stakeholders from horizontal and in particular, and foremost, vertical DSIs analysing the current use and deployment scenarios, b) aggregates and analyses the potential contributions from language technologies like named entity recognition, temporal expression recognition, transliteration, etc, c) sets up technology enabled helpdesks supporting the use and uptake of eTranslation at multiple levels from user authentication and authorisation to integrating eTranslation as a service into more complex systems through the appropriate programmatic interfaces.  

Research areas


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