Start date: 22-05-2006
End date: 28-02-2007
Funded by: Pleiades
Project leader: Ioanna Antoniou-Kritikou

The educational package entitled “The evolution of the Greek language” encompasses educational scenaria addressed to students of all levels of secondary education (upper and lower level) that will be used for the teaching of the following school subjects: 1. Greek language, 2. Ancient Greek language (original text), 3. Ancient Greek literature (translated texts), 4. Modern Greek language (composition writing). The proposed scenaria cover topics of each of the above school subjects as well as general aims of the school curriculum.

Both the topics and the aims covered by the educational scenaria have been chosen from the modules of the official school curriculum and the specifications of the educational package.

The educational scenaria are exploratory in nature and follow the principles of collaborative learning, based upon the interaction among the pupils for the accomplishment of a common educational goal, using a combination of the devices/tools offered by the school and following the principles of constructivism. According to the latter, learning is an active procedure during which pupils construct new knowledge and concepts.



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