Michailidou, Natasa


Natasa Michailidou

Personal Information

Position: Scientific Associate
Phone or fax: +30 25410 78787 (224)


Areas of interest

  • Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in the field of Culture
  • Public Archaeology and Educational programs for children
  • Educational tours with storytelling
CV data
Natasa Michailidou graduated from the Department of History and Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a specialization in Archaeology. She continued her studies at postgraduate level at City University in London obtaining the title MA in Museum and Gallery Management.
She has participated in museological exhibition design and has worked in museums and educational institutions in educational programs for children on archeology, art and culture in general.
She is collaborating for several years with the Department of Cultural Heritage in the "Athena" Research Center in the context of research and development projects aiming to create technology applications in the field of culture (Virtual Guide, Cooperation networks, transfer of know-how on 3D digitization applications,  Creation of interactive multimedia applications in the Archaeological Museum of Arta and installation of infokiosks, Karabournaki. Recording the past, CORECT, 3D-ICONS)


  • Tsiafaki, D., Koutsoudis, A., Michailidou, N. & Arnaoutoglou, F (2018). Chapter 2. From a Buried Fragment to the Virtual Artefact: A Case Study of Greek Pottery, pages 17-34. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F. & Michailidou, N. (2016). KANTHAROS. FROM A BURIED FRAGMENT TO THE VIRTUAL ARTEFACT. In ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0. Valencia, España : Campus de Vera, Universitat Politècnica de València. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2016). "Performing archaeological research with 3D technologies. Digitisation, visualisation and reconstruction". In. Athens, Greece : National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F. & Michailidou, N. (2016). Kantharos: the visualisation of an ancient Greek vase. In GUIDES TO GOOD PRACTICE IN DOCUMENTATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE ASSETS. Mainz, Germany. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F. & Michailidou, N. (2016). Virtual reassembly and completion of a fragmentary drinking vessel. Virtual Archaeology Review, 7(15), 67-76. [...] 
  • Tsaouselis, A., Stavroglou, K., Koutsoudis, A., Arnaoutoglou, F., Michailidou, N. & Tsiafaki, D. (2015). The 3D Icons Portal: A Web tool for the dissemination of European Cultural Heritage Thesaurus. In. Sienna, Italy. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2015). Benefits and problems through the application of 3D technologies in archaeology: recording, visualisation, representation and reconstruction. Sci. Cult, 1(3), 37-45. [...] 
  • Michailidou, N. (2012). Archaeological monuments and sites... like a fairytale [in Greek]. To paramythi, 7, 99-123. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2010). Multimedia and Cultural Education: CETI’s applications [in Greek]. In Proceedings of Conference of the Hellenic National Committee of CECA, ICOM, pages 159-165. Athens. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2009). Interactive Multimedia Applications in the Archaeological Museum of Arta and Infokiosks in the city of Arta [in greek]. In Two-day Conference of the prefecture of Arta "Digital Bridge - From the CSF in the NSRF, the Digital Projects of the prefecture of Arta for the public service" [in greek], pages 95-104. Arta. [...] 
  • Michailidou, N. & Tsiafaki, D. (2009). Virtual Guide. Evaluation of a Mobile Museum Visit. In Sanchez, I.A., Isaias & P. (editors), Electronic proceedings of the International Conference Mobile Learning 2009, pages 181-188. Barcelona, Spain. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2009). Multimedia Interactive Applications in the Archaeological Museum of Arta and Infokiosks in the city of Arta [in Greek]. In Proceedings of two day Conference of the Prefecture of Arta "Digital Bridge – From the 3rd CSF to the NSDP, The Digital Projects of the Prefecture of Arta serving the citizen", pages 95-104. Arta, Greece. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2008). VIRTUAL GUIDE: user requirements for the museum experience in the 21st century. In Cappellini, V., Hemsley & J. (editors), Proceedings of EVA 2008: Conference of Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, pages 206-211. Florence. [...] 
  • Tsiafaki, D. & Michailidou, N. (2008). Virtual Guide: User Requirements for the Museum experience in the 21st century. In Cappellini, V., Hemsley & J. (editors), Proceedings of International Conference EVA 2008 Florence, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, pages 206-211. Florence, Italy. [...] 
  • Michailidou, N. (2006). Touch the exhibits! Object handling and the understanding of Archaeology in school cultural projects [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference of School Educational Programs Culture and Aesthetics in Education [in Greek]. Peiraias. [...] 
  • Michailidou, N. (2005). Interactives in Archaeological Museums and Sites and Primary School Children. Master Thesis, City University, London, UK. [...]