Katifori, Akrivi


Akrivi Katifori

Personal Information

Position: Scientific Associate

CV Data

Dr. Akrivi Katifori holds a PhD degree (An intelligent system for managing historical archive documents), a B.Sc. in Informatics and Telecommunications (2000) and an M.S.c. from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens (2003). She has participated in European and national RTD projects, including Papyrus, CHESS, WhoLoDancE and EMOTIVE and has authored several papers in different research areas of computer science, including information visualization, virtual museums and digital storytelling, digital libraries and personalization. She has experience in project management and has worked extensively on user requirements elicitation and user evaluation in different projects. Her scientific interests include mobile digital experiences, social interaction and personalization in cultural heritage.


  • Perry, S., Rousou, M., Mirashrafi, S., Katifori, A. & McKinney, S (2019). Collaborative, Shared Digital Experiences Supporting Sites, Meaning-Making at Heritage Sites. In H. Lewi, W. Smith, S. Cooke & & D. vom Lehn (editors), The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge International Handbook. [...] 
  • Rousou, M., Perry, S., Katifori, A., Vassos, S., Tzouganatou, A. & Mckinney, S (2019). Transformation through Provocation? Designing a 'Bot of Conviction' to Challenge Conceptions and Evoke Critical Reflection, pages Paper 627. [...] 
  • Katifori, A., Kourtis, V., Restrepo, C., Petousi, D., Karvounis, E., Rousou, M. et al. (2019). Approaching dark heritage through “essential questions”: An interactive digital storytelling experience for the University of Athens Criminology Museum. In MW19: Museums and the Web 2019. Boston, MA, USA. [...] 
  • Georgia Andritsou, Katifori, A., Kourtis, V. & Ioannidis, Y. (2018). Momap-An Interactive Gamified App for the Museum of Mineralogy. In 2018 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), pages 1-4. [...] 
  • El Raheb, K., Aristotelis Kasomoulis, Katifori, A., Marianna Rezkalla & Ioannidis, Y. (2018). A Web-based system for annotation of dance multimodal recordings by dance practitioners and experts. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing, pages 8. [...] 
  • El Raheb, K., George Tsampounaris, Katifori, A. & Ioannidis, Y. (2018). Choreomorphy: a whole-body interaction experience for dance improvisation and visual experimentation. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pages 27. [...] 
  • Katifori, A., Karvounis, E., Kourtis, V., Sara Perry, Rousou, M. & Ioannidis, Y. (2018). Applying Interactive Storytelling in Cultural Heritage: Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons Learned:. In, pages 603-612. Dublin, Ireland. [...] 
  • Rousou, M. & Katifori, A. (2018). Flow, staging, wayfinding, personalization: Evaluating user experience with mobile museum narratives. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(2), 32. [...] 
  • George Lambrakopoulos, Nikolaos Begetis, Katifori, A., Karvounis, E. & Ioannidis, Y. (2018). Experimental evaluation of the impact of virtual reality on the sentiment of fear. In 2017 23rd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM), pages 1-6. [...] 
  • Diakoumakos, I., Katifori, A., Kourtis, V., Karvounis, E. & Ioannidis, Y. (2017). Demonstrating the use of the alphabetic telegraph through a collaborative AR activity.. In Proceedings of 23rd Int’l Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia -VSMM. Dublin, Ireland. [...] 
  • Aristotelis Kasomoulis, Maria Vayanou, Katifori, A. & Ioannidis, Y. (2016). MagicHOLO: A Collaborative 3D experience in the museum. In In Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, pages 1-6. [...] 
  • Georgios Tsampounaris, El Raheb, K., Katifori, A. & Ioannidis, Y. (2016). Exploring Visualizations in Real-time Motion Capture for Dance Education. In Proceedings of the 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, pages 76. [...] 
  • El Raheb, K., Nicolas Papapetrou, Katifori, A. & Ioannidis, Y. (2016). Balonse: ballet ontology for annotating and searching video performances. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, pages 5. [...] 
  • El Raheb, K., Katifori, A. & Ioannidis, Y. (2016). HCI challenges in Dance Education.. ICST Trans. Ambient Systems, 3(9), e7. [...] 
  • Ioannidis, Y., El Raheb, K., Eleni Toli, Katifori, A., Maria Boile & Margaretha Mazura. (2013). One object many stories: Introducing ICT in museums and collections through digital storytelling. In 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), pages 421-424. [...]