Publication - Development of a multilingual thesaurus based on international standards [in Greek]


Development of a multilingual thesaurus based on international standards [in Greek]

Research Area:  
In Proceedings


Year: 2003
Authors: Marina Vassiliou; Stella Markantonatou
Book title: Proceedings of the 4th Conference "Greek Language and Terminology"
Pages: 263-270
Address: Αθήνα
Date: 30 Οκτ. – 1 Νοεμ.
In this paper we report on the development of a multilingual thesaurus, the result of a merging procedure of terminological databases in various languages, which is used by companies for indexing and searching purposes. The terms of the specific thesaurus cover various thematic domains and belong to six (6) different languages (English, Greek, German, Italian, French, Spanish). The thesaurus hierarchy currently reaches the depth of eight (8) levels and the relations represented are those of hyponymy and meronymy. We will refer to the merging procedure of the terminological databases, as well as to our attempt to render the thesaurus compatible with already existing international term classification standards. Moreover, we will refer to the solutions that we followed in achieving correspondence between terms from different languages and between terms of variant length (one-word vs. multi-word terms). Finally, we will emphasise on the flexibility of the specific thesaurus, as regards both the coverage of additional languages and its extensibility to additional hierarchical levels.
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