Papageorgakopoulos, John

John Papageorgakopoulos

Personal Information

Position: Scientific Associate
Phone or fax: +30 210 6875348

CV data

John Papageorgakopoulos has graduated from the National Technical University of Athens as a Chemical Engineer. He completed his postgraduate studies at the National Technical University of Athens with a MSc degree in the area of Computational Mechanics. He is now a PhD candidate at the same university (Thesis title: Aeroacoustic modeling of the vocal tract). He has been working at the Institute for Language & Speech Processing / 'Athena' R.C. since 1998 as software engineer and has participated in a number of research and development projects mainly in the area of Educational Technology. He has participated in the software development for the CD title “A knight in the castle of letters” – “A knight in the castle of words”, “Logomathia+ Series”, “Filoglossia+ Series with Chinese as support language” and has leaded the software development for the CD titles “Greek-Turkish dictionary for children”, “Greek-Turkish-English term dictionary” and “Lexipedia”. He is a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (ΙΕΤ) and the Technical Chamber of Greece since 1997.


  • Βαρλοκώστα, Σ., Ιακώβου, Μ., Kantzou, V., Papageorgakopoulos, J., Stamouli, S., Tzevelekou, M. et al. (2009). Tests for assessing young learners’ proficiency in Greek [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for teaching Greek as a foreign language, pages 131-141. Αθήνα : University of Athens. [...] 
  • Tzevelekou, M., Stamouli, S., Kantzou, V., Papageorgakopoulos, J., Χονδρογιάννη, Β., Βαρλοκώστα, Σ. et al (2008). Greek as L2: European Framework for Language Assessment and assessing language proficiency in Greek [in Greek]. In Δραγώνα, Θ., Φραγκουδάκη & Α. (editors), Addition, not Subtraction, Multiplication, not Division: The educational reform of the minority of Thrace [in Greek]. Αθήνα : Metechmio. [...] 
  • Papageorgakopoulos, J. & Τσαγγάρης, Σ. (2006). Numerical Simulation of aeroacoustic models based on the Navier Stokes equations. [...] 
  • Tzevelekou, M., Vacalopoulou, A., Kantzou, V., Papavassiliou, V., Papageorgakopoulos, J. & Stamouli, S. (2006). Software for learning Greek as an L2 [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the Conference “Intercultural Education and Teaching of Greek as L2, pages 117-133. Λευκωσία : Cyprus Institute of Education. [...] 
  • Tzevelekou, M., Kantzou, V., Stamouli, S., Βαρλοκώστα, Σ., Χονδρογιάννη, Β., Papageorgakopoulos, J. et al. (2004). Greek as a second language: Rating scale and assessment of language proficiency in Greek of children attending Greek-Turkish bilingual minority schools of Western Thrace [in Greek]. Athens. [...] 
  • Tzevelekou, M., Vacalopoulou, A., Papageorgakopoulos, J. & Papavassiliou, V. (2002). Το λεξιλόγιο του δίγλωσσου ομιλητή: η συγκρότηση ενός ελληνοτουρκικού παιδικού λεξικού πολυμέσων. In Ομοιότητες και διαφορές: Αναζητώντας νέους δρόμους στην εκπαίδευση, pages 36-45. Αθήνα : ΕΚΠΑ. [...]