Δημοσίευση - Emotion in Speech: towards an integration of linguistic, paralinguistic and psychological analysis


Emotion in Speech: towards an integration of linguistic, paralinguistic and psychological analysis

Ερευνητική περιοχή:  
Άρθρο σε συλλογικό τόμο


Έτος: 2003
Συγγραφείς: Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα Φωτεινέα; Στυλιανός Μπακαμίδης; Θεολόγος Αθανασέλης; Ιωάννης Δολόγλου; Άννα Βακαλοπούλου; R. Cowie; R. Douglas-Cowie; N. Fragopanagos; J.G. Taylor
Εκδόσεις: Springer-Verlag
Επιμέλεια: O. Kaynak et al.
Διεύθυνση: Berlin Heidelberg
Σελίδες: 1125-1132
ISBN: 0302-9743
If speech analysis is to detect a speaker’s emotional state, it needs to derive information from both linguistic information, i.e., the qualitative targets that the speaker has attained (or approximated), conforming to the rules of language; and paralinguistic information, i.e., allowed variations in the way that qualitative linguistic targets are realised. It also needs an appropriate representation of emotional states. The ERMIS project addresses the integration problem that those requirements pose. It mainly comprises a paralinguistic analysis and a robust speech recognition module. Descriptions of emotionality are derived from these modules following psychological and linguistic research that indicates the information likely to be available. We argue that progress in registering emotional states depends on establishing an overall framework of at least this level of complexity.
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