Δημοσίευση - Handwritten Document Image Segmentation into Text Lines and Words

Handwritten Document Image Segmentation into Text Lines and Words

Ερευνητική περιοχή:  
Άρθρο σε περιοδικό


Έτος: 2010
Συγγραφείς: Βασίλης Παπαβασιλείου; Θέμος Σταφυλάκης; Βασίλης Κατσούρος; Γεώργιος Καραγιάννης
Περιοδικό: Pattern Recognition
Τόμος: 43
Αριθμός: 1
Σελίδες: 369-377
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2009.05.007
Two novel approaches to extract text lines and words from handwritten document are presented. The line segmentation algorithm is based on locating the optimal succession of text and gap areas within vertical zones by applying Viterbi algorithm. Then, a text-line separator drawing technique is applied and finally the connected components are assigned to text lines. Word segmentation is based on a gap metric that exploits the objective function of a soft-margin linear SVM that separates successive connected components. The algorithms tested on the benchmarking datasets of ICDAR07 handwriting segmentation contest and outperformed the participating algorithms.