Δημοσίευση - The Syntax of the Modern Greek Noun Phrases with a Deverbal Nominal Head

The Syntax of the Modern Greek Noun Phrases with a Deverbal Nominal Head

Ερευνητική περιοχή:  
Διδακτορική διατριβή


Έτος: 1992
Συγγραφείς: Στέλλα Μαρκαντωνάτου
Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Essex
Διεύθυνση: Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, UK
This is a piece of research on the semantic and syntactic properties of deverbal nominals of Modern Greek, in particular those semantic properties (reference, aspect) that are related to the presence of syntactic arguments. It is argued that certain classes of Modern Greek deverbal nominals do support syntactic arguments. Furthermore, it is argued that there is a type of dependent that shares semantic and syntactic properties with both syntactic arguments and adjucts. The distribution of all types of dependent is described in terms of the semantic properties of the deverbal nominals. A strong relation between verb predicates and the corresponding deverbal nominals is defended in the sense that nominals inherit a (large part of the) argument structure of the corresponding verb. The overall treatment is within the framework of the Lexical Mapping Theory of LFG (LMT).