Δημοσίευση - DIANOEMA: Visual analysis and sign recognition for GSL modelling and robot teleoperation

DIANOEMA: Visual analysis and sign recognition for GSL modelling and robot teleoperation

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Έτος: 2009
Συγγραφείς: Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα Φωτεινέα; Ελένη Ευθυμίου; G. Caridakis; O. Diamanti; N. Mitsiou; Κωνσταντίνος Τζαφέστας; P. Maragos
Τίτλος βιβλίου: Proc. of the 8th International Gesture Workshop
Διεύθυνση: Bielefeld, Germany
Ημερομηνία: Feb 25-27
Here we present research work performed in the framework of the Greek national project DIANOEMA (GSRT, M3.3, id 35), focusing on the following activities: i) Development of innovative image analysis and computer vision algorithms for the effective visual analysis of video sequences, aiming at sign detection and tracking; ii) Creation of a video-corpus of the Greek Sign Language (GSL) and annotation and modelling of an indicative subset of it; iii) Automatic recognition of indicative categories of GSL gestures using automatic computer vision systems pre-trained on the GSL corpus, and combining AI techniques, machine learning and probabilistic analysis for the estimation of gesture instantiations. iv) Integration of the above into a pilot application system of robot tele-operation, on the basis of a pre-defined vocabulary of simple signs for the tele-operation control.