Δολόγλου, Ιωάννης

Ιωάννης Δολόγλου

Προσωπικά στοιχεία

Θέση: Ερευνητής Α'
Τηλέφωνο ή Φαξ: +30 210 6875306

Άξονες ενδιαφερόντων

  • Eπεξεργασία φωνής και γλώσσας
  • Φασματική ανάλυση

Βιογραφικά στοιχεία

Ο Ιωάννης ΔΟΛΟΓΛΟΥ γεννήθηκε 13η Μαρτίου 1958. Το 1981 έλαβε το Δίπλωμα του Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού από το Ε.Μ.Π., 1ος στην σειρά αποφοιτήσεως. Στη συνέχεια μετέβη στην Γαλλία όπου έλαβε το 1982 το πτυχίο “DEA d’ Electronique”, από το Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble. Κατόπιν έλαβε το “Certificat d’ Aptitute a l’ Administration des Entreprises” από το Institut d’ Administration des Entreprises IAE της Grenoble to 1984. Τέλος έλαβε το Doctorat d’ Ingenieur από το Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble το 1984. Η διδακτορική του διατριβή έχει θέμα: “Evaluation d’un modele du systeme autitif en reconnaissance de la parole”. Η εργασία αυτή έγινε με υποτροφία του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση.

Από τον Μάρτιο του 1999 είναι ερευνητής Α/ στο Ινστιτούτο Επεξεργασίας του Λόγου όπου ασχολείται με θέματα επεξεργασίας φωνής.

Από το 1984 έως το 1999 είχε θέσεις ερευνητού και καθηγητού σε πανεπιστήμια της Αμερικής και της Ευρώπης αντίστοιχα.

Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα εστιάζονται στην επεξεργασία φωνής και γλώσσας καθώς και στην φασματική ανάλυση.

Έχει πάνω από 100 δημοσιεύσεις και ομιλεί άπταιστα την αγγλική και γαλλική και έχει γνώση της ολλανδικής γλώσσας.


  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Μπακαμίδης, Σ. (2017). Phonetic Search in Audio and Video Recordings. Digital Humanities, 12. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι., Evmorfia N Argyriou & Antonis Symvonis. (2014). Making assistive reading tools user friendly: a new platform for Greek dyslexic students empowered by automatic speech recognition. Multimedia tools and applications, 68(3), 681-699. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Μπακαμίδης, Σ. (2014). Multiresolution image compression using non linear transformations. In Proceedings of IPCV 2014, pages 407-411. Las Vegas, USA. [...] 
  • Ταμπουρατζής, Γ., Τσατσανίφος, Γ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Tsimboukakis N. (2012). SOM-based corpus modeling for disambiguation purposes in MT. In MTW-2012- Hybrid Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop on Hybrid Machine Translation, held within the TSD-2012 Conference, pages pp.29-36. Brno, Czech Republic : Tribun EU & Springer. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Αθανασέλης, Θ. (2012). Decimative Spectral Estimation with Unconstrained Model Order. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι (2011). Performance Evaluation of a novel technique for word order errors correction applied to non native English speakers' corpus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science series edited by Springer (CICLing 2011). [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Mamouras, K., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2011). A Corpus Based Technique For Repairing Ill-Formed Sentences With Word Order Errors Using Co-Occurences Of N-Grams. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Φωτεινέα, Ε. (2010). Enhancing Speech Recognition performance in the presence of MRI scanner noise. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE), 3(3), 179-187. [...] 
  • Guimaraes, R., Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Φωτεινέα, Ε. (2010). A vocal user Interface Plug-in for jMRUI. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Imaging systems and techniques (IST 2010), pages 384-388. thessaloniki, Greece. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2009). Reducing the cocktail party effect prior to Automatic Speech recognition. In Proceedings of the 13-th International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM), pages 360-363. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Φωτεινέα, Ε. (2009). Impact of MRI scanner noise on Speech Recognition confidence score. In Proceedings of the 4rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Mamouras, K., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι (2008). Sentence-level Evaluation Using Co-occurences of N-grams. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Giannopoulos, G., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Φωτεινέα, Ε. (2008). Robust Speech Recognition in the presence of noise using medical data. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Imaging systems and techniques (IST), pages 349-353. Chania, Greece. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Mamouras, K., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2007). User Evaluation of a novel technique for word-order error correction. In Proceedings of the 3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Poznan, Poland. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2007). Evaluating ASR confidence score performance in different noisy conditions. In Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM), pages 207-211. Moscow. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2007). A novel technique for words reordering based on n-grams. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications in conjunction with the International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and its Applications. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). Recognising verbal content of emotionally coloured speech. In Proceedings of the 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Florence, Italy. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). Words Reordering based on Statistical Language Model. In Proceedings of the Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology, pages 270-273. Vienna, Austria. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). Recognising Verbal Content of Emotionally Coloured Speech. In Proceedings of the Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology, pages 274-277. Vienna, Austria. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). Impact of the cocktail party effect on the confidence accuracy of emotional speech recogniser. In Proceedings of the 18th BeNeLux Conference on Artificial Intelligence , (BNAIC). Namour, Belgium. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). An automatic method for revising ill-formed sentences based on N-grams. In Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Speech Prosody, pages 370-373. Dresden, Germany. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). A Statistical Method for Correcting Word Order Errors in Greek Texts. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference of IASTED on Computational Intelligence (CI), pages 502-506. San Francisco. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). A New Approach for Words Reordering Based On Statistical Language Model. In. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Mamouras, K. (2006). N-grams: A Tool for Repairing Word Order Errors in ill-formed Texts. International Journal of Signal Processing, 3(2), 123-128. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). A comparative study of ASR performance in different emotional states. In Proceedings of the XXVIII-th International Congress of Audiology, pages 98-102. Innsbruck, Austria. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ (2006). On the use of decimation for efficient spectral estimation. In Lipitakis & E. (editors), International Journal of Computer Mathematics and its Applications (HERMIS-μπ). [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι (2006). A Fast Algorithm for Words Reordering Based on Language Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. [...] 
  • Καραμπέτσος, Σ., Τσιάκουλης, Π., Φωτεινέα, Ε. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2006). Formant Estimation of Speech Signals Using Subspace-Based Spectral Analysis. In Proc. EUSIPCO 2006 (14th European Signal Processing Conference). Florence, Italy. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2005). Improving speech recognition performance in noisy environments. In Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications (HERCMA'2005). Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι., Cowie, R., Douglas-Cowie, E. & Cox, C. (2005). ASR for emotional speech: clarifying the issues and enhancing performance. Neural Networks Elsevier Publications, 18(4), 437- 444. [...] 
  • Τσιάκουλης, Π., Καραμπέτσος, Σ., Φωτεινέα, Ε. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2005). Spectral Estimation for Speech Signals based on Decimation and Eigenanalysis. In Proc. HERCMA-2005 (7th Hellenic European Conf. on Computer Mathematics & its Applications). Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Καραμπέτσος, Σ., Τσιάκουλης, Π., Φωτεινέα, Ε. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2005). On the Use of a Decimative Spectral Estimation Method based on Eigenanalysis and SVD for Formant and Bandwidth Tracking of Speech Signals. In Interspeech’2005: 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pages 709-712. Lisbon, Portugal. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Φωτεινέα, Ε. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2004). A new multi-resolution image compression system based on subband and binary coding. In Proc. of the 1st International Conference "From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering" (IC-SCCE), Invited Session on Human Computer Interaction, pages 842-847. Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Μπακαμίδης, Σ. (2004). Device for statistical machine translation using monolingual text corpora . [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Φωτεινέα, Ε. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (2004). Impact of Speech Enhancement on ASR time stamping. In Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems, EUNITE-2004, pages 452-457. Aachen, Germany. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι., Fragapanagos, N. & Taylor, J. (2003). Impact of Speech Enhancement on ASR Confidence Score. In. [...] 
  • Fragapanagos, N., Taylor, J., Cowie, R., Douglas-Cowie, E., Αθανασέλης, Θ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. et al. (2003). Detecting Moving Emotion. In Proceedings of EUNITE 2003, pages 542 – 547. Oulu, Finland. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ (2003). Αποδεκατισμός και ανάλυση ιδιαζουσών τιμών για την εκτίμηση των παραμέτρων εκθετικά αποσβεννύμενων ημιτόνων στην ποσοτική ανάλυση φασμάτων NMR. In Nikita & K. (editors), Περιοδικό ΠΥΡΦΟΡΟΣ. NTUA press. [...] 
  • Αθανασέλης, Θ., Φωτεινέα, Ε., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Giannopoulos, G (2003). Signal Enhancement for Continuous Speech Recognition. In O. Kaynak et al. (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Αθανασέλης, Θ., Δολόγλου, Ι., Βακαλοπούλου, Ά., Cowie, R. et al (2003). Emotion in Speech: towards an integration of linguistic, paralinguistic and psychological analysis. In O. Kaynak et al. (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Μαρκαντωνάτου, Σ., Ταμπουρατζής, Γ., Γιαννούτσου, Ό., Fourla, . & Ioannou, N. (2003). Using Monolingual Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation: The METIS System. In Proceedings of the EAMT-CLAW 03: Controlled Language Translation, pages 61-68. Dublin, Ireland. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ (2002). A new decimative spectral estimation method with unconstrained model order and decimation factor. In Fotinea S-E., Dologlou, I., Carayannis & G. (editors), Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [...] 
  • Ταμπουρατζής, Γ., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι., Καραγιάννης, Γ. & Dendrinos, M. (2002). The IMUTUS Interactive Music Tuition System. In Acoustical Society of America Journal, pages 2348. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2001). Detailed results for the work presented in 'Decimative Spectral Estimation based on the eigenanalysis of Hankel matrices'. Athens, ILSP. [...] 
  • Dendrinos, M., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2001). Single Channel SVD Based Noise Reduction Techniques. In 4th European Conference on Noise Control EURONOISE 2001. Patra, Greece. [...] 
  • Kyriakou, C., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2001). Robust Continuous Speech Recognition in the Presence of Coloured Noise. In 4th European Conference on Noise Control, EURONOISE 2001. Patra, Greece. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2001). Decimation and SVD to estimate exponentially damped sinusoids in the presence of noise. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ICASSP-2001, pages 3073-3076. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι., Μπακαμίδης, Σ., Σταϊνχάουερ, Γ. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2000). Perceptual evaluation of a new subband low bit rate speech compression system based on waveform Vector Quantization and SVD postfiltering. In Proc. of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2000, pages 1337-1341. Athens, Greece. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2000). A New Algorithm to Design Optimal Hidden Markov Models. In X European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2000. Tampere, Finland. [...] 
  • Φωτεινέα, Ε., Δολόγλου, Ι., Χατζηγεωργίου, Ν. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (2000). Spectral Estimation Based on the eigenanalysis of companion-like matrices. In ICASSP 2000 proceedings, pages 257-260. Istanbul, Turkey. [...] 
  • Hermus, K., Δολόγλου, Ι., Wambacq, P. & Van Compernolle, D. (1999). Fully Adaptive SVD-based Noise Removal for Robust Speech Recognition. In Eurospeech 1999. [...] 
  • Xu, W., Duchateau, J., Δολόγλου, Ι., Wambacq, P., Van Compernolle, D. & Van Hamme, H. (1999). Accuracy Versus Complexity in Context Dependent Phone Modeling. In Eurospeech 1999. [...] 
  • Sundin, T., Vanhamme, L., Van Hecke,  ., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Van Huffel, S. (1999). Accurate quantification of 1H spectra: from finite impulse response filter design for solvent suppression to parameter estimation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 139. [...] 
  • Lemmerling, P., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Van Huffel, S. (1998). Variable Rate Speech Compression Based on Exact Modelling and Waveform Vector Quantization. In Signal Processing Symposium SPS 98. Leuven, Belgium. [...] 
  • Lemmerling, P., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Van Huffel, S. (1998). Speech Compression Based on Exact Modeling and Structured Total Least Norm. In ICASSP-98. Seattle, USA.. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Claes, T., Ten Bosch, L., Van Compernolle, D. & Van Hamme, H. (1998). Speaker Normalization for Automatic Speech Recognition - An on-line Approach. In EUSIPCO. Rhodes Greece. [...] 
  • Doclo, S., Δολόγλου, Ι. & Moonen, M. (1998). A novel iterative signal enhancement algorithm for noise reduction in speech. In ICSLP-98. Sydney, Australia. [...] 
  • Xu, W., Duchateau, J., Demuynck, K. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1998). A New Approach to Merging Gaussian Densities in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition. In Signal Processing Symposium SPS 98. Leuven, Belgium. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Van Huffel, S. & Van Ormondt, D. (1998). Metabolite Selective MRS Data Quantification with Frequency Prior Knowledge. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 130. [...] 
  • Claes, T., Δολόγλου, Ι., Ten Bosch, L. & Van Compernolle, D. (1998). A Novel Features Transformation for Vocal Tract Length Normalization in Automatic Speech Recognition. IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing, 6(6), 549-557. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Claes, T., Ten Bosch, L. & Van Compernolle, D. (1997). New Transformations for Cepstral Parameters for Automatic Vocal Tract Length Normalization in Speech Recognition. In Eurospeech. [...] 
  • Totz, J., Van den Boogaart, A., Van Huffel, S., Graveron, D., Δολόγλου, Ι., Heidler, R. et al. (1997). The Use of Continuous Regularization in the Automated Analysis of MRS Time Domain Data. Journal of Magnetic Resonnance. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Van Huffel, S. & Van Ormondt, D. (1997). Improved Signal Enhancement Procedures Applied to Exponential Data Modeling. IEEE Transaction on SP, 45, 799-803. [...] 
  • Skowronski, J. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1997). Image Compression Using Permutative Vector Quantization. Image Communication, 11(1). [...] 
  • Teodorescu, R., Van Compernolle, D. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1997). A Modular Initialization Scheme for Better Speech Recognition Performance Using Hybrid Systems of MLP's/HMM's. In Eurospeech. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. (1996). Spiral MRI Scan-Time Reduction through Nonuniform Angular Distribution of Interleaves and Multichannel SVD Interpolation. In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Van Huffel, S. (1996). Improved Exponential Data Modeling with Frequency Prior-Knowledge. In International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing,. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Καραγιάννης, Γ. & Μπακαμίδης, Σ. (1996). Signal Decomposition in Terms of Non-Orthogonal Sinusoidal Bases. Signal Processing, 51. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Μπακαμίδης, Σ. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1996). Signal Decomposition in Terms of Non-Orthogonal Bases. European Signal Processing Journal, 51, 79-91. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Pesquet, J. & Skowronski, Y. (1996). Projection Based Rank Reduction Algorithms for Multichannel Modelling and Image Compression. Signal Processing, 48, 97-109. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Van Ormondt, D. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1996). MRI Scan Time Reduction through non Uniform Sampling and SVD-Based Estimation. Signal Processing, 55, 207-219. [...] 
  • Chretien, S. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1995). Successive Projections-Like Algorithms for Signal Approximation/Zero-Error Modelling. In International  Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing. Detroit USA. [...] 
  • Skowronski, J. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1995). Permutative Vector Quantization-Application to Image Compression. In International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing. Detroit USA. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Stathaki & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1995). Numerical Stability of All Pole Models. In International Conference on Digital Signal Processing. Limassol, Cyprus. [...] 
  • Skowronski, Y. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1995). Compression d'images au moyen d'une modelisation par sinusoides exponentielles. In 15eme Colloque GRETSI. New York, USA. [...] 
  • Skowronski, J. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1994). Two Dimensional Zero Error Modelling for Image Compression. In 3rd International Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing. Leuve, Belgium. [...] 
  • Chretien, S. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1994). Image Compression Based on Reduced Rank Approximation and Adaptive Error Modelling. In EUSIPCO. Edinburgh. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. (1994). Une Nouvelle Technique de Compression d' Images. La Recherche, 18. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Eskenazi, M., Ouayoun, M. & Frachet, B. (1993). Selective Information Reduction for Cochlear Implants. In 1st TIDE Congress. Brussels. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Pesquet, J. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1993). Analyse Multidimentionnelle a l' aide d un Nouveau Modele Multicanal et d' un Algorithme de Projections Successives. Application a l' Analyse d' Images. In 14eme Colloque GRETSI, pages 61-64. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Pesquet, J. (1993). Codage Numerique et Compression d' Images. CNRS-Info, 8-9. [...] 
  • Frachet, B., Δολόγλου, Ι., Van Den Abbeele, T. & Ormezzano, Y. (1993). Fast Electrical Brainstem Evoked Potentials in Cochlear Implanted Patients. In 3rd International Cochlear Implant Conference. Innsbruck. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1991). Zero Modeling Error (ZME) at the Meeting Point of LPC and SVD Analysis. In International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, pages 3397-3399. Toronto, Canada. [...] 
  • Καραγιάννης, Γ., Koukoutsis, E. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1991). LPC/SVD Parallel Toeplitz Solvers. In International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems. Corfu Greece. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Malnati, G. & Paggio, P. (1991). A Preference Mechanism Based on Multiple Criteria Resolution. In Proceedings of 5th European ACL Conference. Berlin. [...] 
  • Nandi, A., Aburdene, M., Constantinides, A. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1991). Variation  of  vector quantization and speech waveform coding. IEE Proceedings-I, 138(2), 76-80. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Καραγιάννης, Γ. & Touratzidis, L. (1991). The Eigenproblem Formulation for HMM. Speech  Communication, 10(4), 373-380. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1991). Physical interpretation of signal reconstruction from reduced rank matrices. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP, 1681-1682. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1991). A Reply to : Some Remarks on the Halting Criterion for Iterative Low-Pass Filtering in a  Recently Proposed  Pitch Detection Algorithm. Speech  Communication, 10, 227-228. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1991). LPC/SVD analysis of signals with zero modeling error. Signal Processing, 23, 293-298. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1990). Image coding based on a new perspective in the frequency analysis of a signal in terms of exponential functions. In Picture Coding Simposium, pages 10.1.1-10.1.3. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Καραγιάννης, Γ. (1989). Pitch detection based on zero phase filtering. Speech Communication, 8(4), 309-318. [...] 
  • Nandi, A., Aburdene, M., Constantinides, A. & Δολόγλου, Ι. (1988). A new idea in the coding of speech waveform using  vector  quantization  and  a  solution  to the matching problem in L-infinity norm. In Proceedings of Digital Signal Processing Workshop. Tahoe CA, U.S.A. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Gersho, A. (1987). A vector companding technique for fast codebook search in waveform coding of speech. In European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, pages 133-138. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Dolmazon, J. (1984). Comparison of a model of the peripheral auditory system and LPC analysis in a speech  recognition  system. In International  Conference  on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing, pages 17.10.1-17.10.4. San Diego. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι. & Dolmazon, J. (1984). Procede de Reconnaissance de la Parole. French Patent. [...] 
  • Δολόγλου, Ι., Halkias, C., Καραγιάννης, Γ. & Emmanoulopoulos, D. (1982). A new generalized recursion for the fast computation of the  kalman gain to solve the covariance equations. In International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pages 1760-1763. Paris. [...] 

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