Δημοσίευση - Spectral Estimation for Speech Signals based on Decimation and Eigenanalysis

Spectral Estimation for Speech Signals based on Decimation and Eigenanalysis

Ερευνητική περιοχή:  
Άρθρο σε πρακτικά


Έτος: 2005
Συγγραφείς: Πύρρος Τσιάκουλης; Σωτήρης Καραμπέτσος; Ευίτα-Σταυρούλα Φωτεινέα; Ιωάννης Δολόγλου
Τίτλος βιβλίου: Proc. HERCMA-2005 (7th Hellenic European Conf. on Computer Mathematics & its Applications)
Διεύθυνση: Athens, Greece
Ημερομηνία: Sept. 22-24
This paper details on the application of a Decimative Spectral estimation method to speech signals in order to perform spectral analysis and estimation of Formant/Bandwidth values. The method is based on Eigenanalysis and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) and performs artificial decimation for increased accuracy while it exploits the full set of data samples. The underlying model decomposes a signal into complex damped sinusoids whose frequencies, amplitudes, phases and damping factors are estimated. Correct estimation of Formant/Bandwidth values depend on the model order, thus the requested number of poles. Additionally, some selection criteria are applied regarding finer tracking and estimation of speech formants and their relevant bandwidths.