Εφραιμίδης, Παύλος


Παύλος Εφραιμίδης

Προσωπικά στοιχεία

Θέση: Συνεργαζόμενο μέλος ΔΕΠ


  • Δροσάτος, Γ., Aimilia Tasidou & Εφραιμίδης, Π. (2017). Privacy-Enhanced Television Audience Measurements. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 17(1), 10. [...] 
  • Εφραιμίδης, Π., Δροσάτος, Γ., Avi Arampatzis, Giorgos Stamatelatos & Ioannis Athanasiadis. (2016). A privacy-by-design contextual suggestion system for tourism. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 5(2), 10. [...] 
  • Εφραιμίδης, Π (2015). Weighted random sampling over data streams. Algorithms, Probability, Networks, and Games. Springer. [...] 
  • Δροσάτος, Γ., Εφραιμίδης, Π., Avi Arampatzis, Giorgos Stamatelatos & Ioannis N Athanasiadis. (2015). Pythia: A privacy-enhanced personalized contextual suggestion system for tourism. In 2015 IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, pages 822-827. [...] 
  • Refanidis, I., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Sakellariou, I., Alexiadis, A., Κουτσιαμάνης, Ρ., Τασίδου, Α. et al. (2014). myVisitPlannerGR: Personalized Itinerary Planning System for Tourism, in Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications. In Likas, A., Blekas, K. , Kalles & D. (editors), 8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 2014, pages 615-629. Ioannina : SPRINGER. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Koutsiamanis, R., Τασίδου, Α., Εφραιμίδης, Π. & Refanidis, I. (2014). Cloud-based recommendation services for creative tourism. In, pages 261-270. Istanbul, Turkey : Boğaziçi University. [...] 
  • Δροσάτος, Γ. & Εφραιμίδης, Π. (2014). User-centric privacy-preserving statistical analysis of ubiquitous health monitoring data.. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 11(2), 525-548. [...] 
  • Δροσάτος, Γ., Giorgos Stamatelatos, Avi Arampatzis & Εφραιμίδης, Π. (2013). DUTH at TREC 2013 Contextual Suggestion Track.. In TREC. [...] 

Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα
