Δημοσίευση - Reducing the cocktail party effect prior to Automatic Speech recognition


Reducing the cocktail party effect prior to Automatic Speech recognition

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Έτος: 2009
Συγγραφείς: Θεολόγος Αθανασέλης; Στυλιανός Μπακαμίδης; Ιωάννης Δολόγλου
Τίτλος βιβλίου: Proceedings of the 13-th International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM)
Σελίδες: 360-363
This work deals with signals impaired by white noise, coloured noise and cocktail party effect with varying Signal-to-Noise Ratio. A non-linear spectral subtraction method (NSS) will be used in conjunction with the Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition system developed for the HEARCOM project (004171) to quantify the impact of speech enhancement on speech recognition performance. It is shown that the impact of NSS depends on the type of noise.