Δημοσίευση - Traditional and Computer-Based Screening and Diagnosis of Reading Disabilities in Greek

Traditional and Computer-Based Screening and Diagnosis of Reading Disabilities in Greek

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Άρθρο σε περιοδικό


Έτος: 2007
Συγγραφείς: Αθανάσιος Πρωτόπαπας; C. Skaloumbakas
Περιοδικό: Journal of Learning Disabilities
Τόμος: 40
Αριθμός: 1
Σελίδες: 15-36
DOI: 10.1177/00222194070400010201
In this study, we examined the characteristics of reading disability (RD) in the seventh grade of the Greek educational system and the corresponding diagnostic practice. We presented a clinically administered assessment battery, composed of typically employed tasks, and a fully automated, computer-based assessment battery that evaluates some of the same constructs. In all, 261 children ages 12 to 14 were tested. The results of the traditional assessment indicated that RD concerns primarily slow reading and secondarily poor reading and spelling accuracy. This pattern was matched in the domains most attended to in expert student evaluation. Automatic (computer-based) screening for RD in the target age range matched expert judgment in validity and reliability in the absence of a full clinical evaluation. It is proposed that the educational needs of the middle and high school population in Greece will be best served by concentrating on reading and spelling performance—particularly fluency—employing widespread computer-based screening to partially make up for expert-personnel shortage.