Εμμανουηλίδης, Χρήστος

Χρήστος Εμμανουηλίδης

Προσωπικά στοιχεία

Θέση: Ερευνητής Α'
Τηλέφωνο ή Φαξ: +30 25410 78787 (325)


  • Πιστοφίδης, Π., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Aggelos Papadopoulos & Pantelis N Botsaris. (2016). Management of linked knowledge in industrial maintenance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(8), 1741-1758. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Πιστοφίδης, Π., Apostolos Fournaris, Maurizio Bevilacqua, I Durazo-Cardenas, Pantelis N Botsaris et al. (2016). Context-based and human-centred information fusion in diagnostics. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(28), 220-225. [...] 
  • Soumaya El Kadiri, Bernard Grabot, Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Karl Hribernik, Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Gregor Von Cieminski et al. (2016). Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems. Computers in Industry, 79, 14-33. [...] 
  • Jaime Campos, Erkki Jantunen, David Baglee, Eduardo Gilabert, Luca Fumagalli & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2016). The use of mobile technologies and their economic benefits in maintenance. In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015), pages 113-119. [...] 
  • Konstantinos Charalampous, Ioannis Kostavelis, Evangelos Boukas, Angelos Amanatiadis, Lazaros Nalpantidis, Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. et al (2015). Autonomous robot path planning techniques using cellular automata. Robots and lattice automata. Springer. [...] 
  • Κατσούρος, Β., Christos Koulamas, Apostolos P Fournaris & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2015). Embedded event detection for self-aware and safer assets. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(21), 802-807. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Christos Riziotis (2015). Wireless condition monitoring integrating smart computing and optical sensor technologies. Engineering Asset Management-Systems, Professional Practices and Certification. Springer. [...] 
  • S Katsikas, Apostolos Routzomanis, Konstantina Mermikli, Dimitris Dimas, Christos Koulamas, Κατσούρος, Β. et al. (2014). Architectures and Key Points for Implementation of E-maintenance Based on Intelligent Sensor Networks. In. [...] 
  • Refanidis, I., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Sakellariou, I., Alexiadis, A., Κουτσιαμάνης, Ρ., Τασίδου, Α. et al. (2014). myVisitPlannerGR: Personalized Itinerary Planning System for Tourism, in Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications. In Likas, A., Blekas, K. , Kalles & D. (editors), 8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 2014, pages 615-629. Ioannina : SPRINGER. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Koutsiamanis, R., Τασίδου, Α., Εφραιμίδης, Π. & Refanidis, I. (2014). Cloud-based recommendation services for creative tourism. In, pages 261-270. Istanbul, Turkey : Boğaziçi University. [...] 
  • Tolias, Υ. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2014). Cross-mapping of regional research and production landscapes: Methodological issues and implications for elaborating regional innovation strategies. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineer, pages 1-7. Bergamo. [...] 
  • Konstantinos Charalampous, Ioannis Kostavelis, Frantzeska-Eirini Chantzakou, Eleftherios-Stefanis Volanis, Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Phillipos Tsalides et al. (2014). Place categorization through object classification. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) Proceedings, pages 320-324. [...] 
  • Konstantinos Charalampous, Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Antonios Gasteratos. (2014). Social mapping on RGB-D scenes. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) Proceedings, pages 398-403. [...] 
  • Πιστοφίδης, Π., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Aggelos Papadopoulos & Pantelis N Botsaris. (2014). Modeling the semantics of failure context as a means to offer context-adaptive maintenance support. In Proceedings of Second European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, pages 8-10. [...] 
  • Nikos Papathanasiou, Dimitris Karampatzakis, Dimitris Koulouriotis & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2014). Mobile personalised support in industrial environments: coupling learning with context-aware features. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pages 298-306. [...] 
  • Leontiadis, S., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Koniordos, V. (2013). The Sustainability of Cultural Routes via Innovative Digital Heritage Applications and Services. In Claudia Castellucci & Veronica San Vicente & Cristina Vallicelli. Forl?: Casa Walden Editrice (editor), Architecture, totalitarian regimes and memory in the 20th century; Contributions to the birth of a European Cultural Route, pages 54-61. [...] 
  • Leontiadis, S., Koniordos, V. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2013). Strategies for revitalization and re-use of the 20th century totalitarian architecture as a part of heritage management process. In Zupancic, T., Ifko, S., Fikfak, A. et al (editors), Manual of Wise Management, Re-use and Economic Valorisation, pages 36-45. [...] 
  • Rigas Kouskouridas, Antonios Gasteratos & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2013). Efficient representation and feature extraction for neural network-based 3D object pose estimation. Neurocomputing, 120, 90-100. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Κουτσιαμάνης, Ρ. & Τασίδου, Α. (2013). Mobile guides: Taxonomy of architectures, context awareness, technologies and applications. Journal of network and computer applications, 36(1), 103-125. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Κουτσιαμάνης, Ρ., Τασίδου, Α. & Stefanie Leontiadis. (2013). Supporting Cultural Route Sustainability via innovative digital heritage applications and services. Manual of Wise Management, Preservation, Reuse and Economic Valorisation; of Architecture, of Totalitarian Regimes, of the 20th Century, 176-182. [...] 
  • Nikos Papathanassiou, Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2013). Competencies development and self-assessment in maintenance management e-training. European Journal of Engineering Education, 38(5), 497-511. [...] 
  • Κατσούρος, Β., Παπαβασιλείου, Β. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2013). A bayesian approach for maintenance action recommendation. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 4(2), 034. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Komonen, K. (2013). Physical Asset Management Practices in Industry: Comparisons between Greece and the Northern Europe. In Proceedings of COMADEM 2013, COMADEM 2013, International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management. Helsinki, Finland : Promaint. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Riziotis, C. (2013). Wireless condition monitoring integrating smart computing and optical sensor technologies. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2013. Springer. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Komonen, K. (2013). Physical Asset Management Practices in Industry: Comparisons between Greece and Other EU Countries. In Prabhu, V., Taisch, D., , , ., Kiritsis et al (editors), Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, pages 509-516. Springer. [...] 
  • Κατσούρος, Β., Παπαβασιλείου, Β. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2013). A Bayesian Approach for Maintenance Action Recommendation. International Journal of the PHM Society, 4 (2)(034). [...] 
  • Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2012). Profiling context awareness in mobile and cloud based engineering asset management. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pages 17-24. [...] 
  • Spilios Giannoulis, Christos Koulamas, Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Dimitris Karampatzakis. (2012). Wireless sensor network technologies for condition monitoring of industrial assets. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pages 33-40. [...] 
  • Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2012). Profiling context awareness in mobile and cloud based engineering asset management. In APMS 2012 - Advances in Production Management Systems. Rhodes, Greece : Springer. [...] 
  • Παπαθανασίου, Ν., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ., Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Καραμπατζάκης, Δ. (2012). Context Aware E-Support in E-Maintenance. In APMS 2012 - Advances in Production Management Systems. Rhodes, Greece : Springer. [...] 
  • Πιστοφίδης, Π. & Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. (2012). Developing Advanced Context Aware Tools for Mobile Maintenance. In 2nd IFAC workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology. Seville, Spain : IFAC. [...] 
  • Jantunen, E., Adgar, A., Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Arnaiz, A. (2010). Next generation maintenance through the adoption of e-maintenance. In Proceedings of the EuroMaintenance 2010 Conference. Verona, Italy. [...] 
  • Εμμανουηλίδης, Χ. & Πιστοφίδης, Π. (2010). Machinery self-awareness with wireless sensor networks: a means to sustainable operation. In Proceedings of the 2nd workshop "Maintenance for Sustainable Manufacturing", pages 43-50. Verona, Italy. [...]